Parashat Vayelech

Yosef Shemtov

By: Rabbi Yosef Shemtov

The last Mishna in the tractate of Yoma says:

“Rebbi Akiva said: ‘Fortunate are you, O Israel, before whom do you purify yourselves? Who purifies you? Your Father in heaven. As it is stated: I will sprinkle pure water upon you and you shall be cleaned, and it also says ‘the Mikveh of Israel is Hashem.’ Just as a Mikveh purifies the contaminated, so does the Holy One blessed is He, Who purifies Israel.”

It seems there are two different types of repentance and atonement . Mikveh is when one immerse himself completely inside the water. This refers to a person who repents for all his sins and immerse himself with Hashem. Sprinkling is when just some part of your body gets wet. You are not able to do full repentance, but you make acommitment to decrease your sins and increase your Misvot.

Both ways are considered Teshuva. Rebbi Akiva is teaching us: Try your best. Even if you can not do 100 percent Teshuva, don’t give up. Any step that brings you closer to the Almighty is a big step.

We pray on Yom Kippur that Hashem inscribe and seal us in the book of life. The merit of repentance and getting close to our Heavenly Father for sure will guarantee that.

Shabbat Shalom and Gemar Chatima Tova.

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