Monthly Archives: April 2017

27 posts

Parashat Shemini

Parasha Thoughts by Rabbi Shlomo Zargari Shalom, The Holy Gaon Rabenu Yosef Chaim from Baghdad tells us a story about two Italian Jewish business partners who traveled on a business trip with their merchandise. On the way, a horrible storm cracked and drowned the ship to the depths of the […]

Shabbat Chol Hamoed Pessach

Parasha Thoughts By Rabbi Yitzchak Ariel On Shabbat Chol Hamoed we read the portion of the Torah following the episode of the golden calf. The Torah describes how Moshe Rabenu prayed on behalf of Bnei Yisrael and how Hashem forgave them and gave them the second pair of luchot. Although […]