Monthly Archives: November 2018

12 posts

Parashat Vayeshev

Parasha Thoughts By Rabbi Avraham Moeinzadeh The Sages teach us that the last conversation between Yaakov Avinu and Yosef Hatsadik was a Halachic discussion about the importance of escorting the passenger. As a matter of fact, we see that the impact of this lesson in Yosef’s life was so enormous […]

Parashat Vayishlach

Parasha Thoughts By Rabbi Shlomo Zargari Shalom, In the Parasha, Yaakov Avinu is told that Esav is coming to greet him with an army. He prepares himself for the confrontation with prayer, gifts, and battle. As he moved his family across the river, he realized he left some items behind […]

Parashat Vayetzei

Parasha Thoughts By Rabbi David Cohen And Yaakov went out from Beer Sheva. (28:10) When Yaakov Avinu fled his father’s home, he was sixty-three years old. He was a wholesome, G-d-fearing Torah scholar whose entire life was devoted to studying Torah. Yet, prior to arriving in Lavan’s home, he learned […]