Parashat Matot – Masei

By Rabbi Shlomo Zargari

Shalom, The pasuk says לא יחל דברו (Bamidbar 30,3) Rashi explains: לא יעשה דיבורו חולין, meaning he shall not make his speech unholy. Our sages learn from here how much we need to guard our tongue from any inappropriate speech.

There is a story about a lady who had terrible pain in her eyes. After the examination by an expert, they found the main blood vessel of the eye had burst. She was in danger of losing her sight. Many experienced surgeons were fearful of performing the surgery due to the high risk in this delicate procedure. Finally, they were able to find a top surgeon and set the date for the surgery. The lady went to Rabbanit Kanievski ×¢×´×” and asked for a beracha for success in her surgery. The Rabbanit suggested that she study two laws daily on guarding our speech and added that this has special powers to help everything.

Upon hearing this advice, the lady agreed to follow through with this beautiful task. The day of the surgery, as preparations were being done for the examination, the surgeon was shocked to see that the artery had completely closed on its own! He re-examined the eyes to make sure there was a mistake and told her he was seeing a miracle! He was so impressed that he accompanied the lady to the Rabbanit to hear about this incredible “potion.”

The Rabbanit said “I know of hundreds of people who were helped through this amazing idea of studying the laws of guarding our speech daily. But I’m not surprised because the Tzadik from Manchester promised whoever does this will see incredible help from HaShem…”

Shabbat Shalom and Hodesh Tov