Parshat Ha’azinu

By Rabbi David Shasho:

The Chofetz Chaim in his work on the Chumash shares with us a novel approach to suffering. He bases his words on the following passage in this week’s parashah. The deeds of the Mighty One are perfect, for all His ways are just (Devarim 32:4). This is understood to mean that all of the things which Hashem causes to happen in this world are with perfect justification. This is not the “G-d is punishing you for your sins” speech. Justification doesn’t necessarily mean someone has done something for which he/she is being punished. It means that there is just cause. It could be any of a number of reasons that constitutes just cause.

“No pain no gain” is a famous line people use. It reflects a true attitude that when something is very worthwhile having, it’s worthwhile working for, even to the extent of suffering. We see olympians using their last ounce of strength towards attaining their goals. We see people giving their lives fighting for their ideals (whether we agree with them or not). The bottom line is that when we experience purposeful suffering, we accept it knowing that it is justified. This passage in our parashah teaches us that whatever we experience from Hashem is purposeful and justified. Nothing is without purpose. Needless to say, this is the attitude every person should take about his/her own suffering. Regarding other people, the Torah attitude is to join with them in their suffering, and share in their pain. It’s their job to justify their own pain. May we all be blessed with a year of strength and be able to serve Hashem with happiness and love.