Parashat Vayera

By Rabbi Aharon Seleh:

In this week’s parsha, Hashem got upset at Sarah for not believing she would have a child.
The Ohr Yechezkel asks: What was the issue? She was told by some Arabs that she would have a child. Why was she supposed to believe them? She had no clue they were angels!
He answers: The problem was the idea was so foreign to her. It seemed ridiculous to her. That showed a lack of emuna. Hashem can change anything in a moment. Nothing is beyond Hashem!

The Sefer Hayikrim takes it even further. Hashem is completely good and wants to give us more and more, but on one condition: We must look forward to it, and pine for Hashem’s kindness! But many people don’t, because they don’t feel worthy of Hashem’s kindness. That is the biggest harm we can do to ourselves. That itself holds back all the good Hashem would have bestowed us. We just had to hope for it and look forward to it. Imagine a father holding a chocolate bar; the sons looking at it with pleading eyes, just hoping maybe their father will give it to them! Can the father refuse such yearning? Hashem is the most loving father. We just have to unleash all the love.

Shabbat Shalom