Parashat Yitro

By Rabbi David Cohen:

The entire People responded together and said, “Everything that Hashem has spoken we shall do.” (19:8)

In the Talmud Nedarim 20a, Chazal make the following statement. “One who does not manifest boshet panim, shyness; it is clear that his ancestors did not stand at Har Sinai.” How can the Talmud make such a strong statement? How can they be so “clear?”

The Ksav Sofer explains, included amongst the many Jews who were willing to accept the Torah, were members of the erev rav. These men were the habitual complainers, and heretics, who wanted no part of the Torah. They clearly would have wanted a way out of accepting the Torah. Surely, they would have sown the seeds of disfavor in the hearts and minds of the people – but they could not. Why? The Jewish People all answered in unison, “Naase v’Nishma”! Once this took place, the erev rav could not exclude themselves from the group. Thus, because of their sense of embarrassment, not wanting to be humiliated, they, too, declared, “Naase v’Nishma.”

Shabbat Shalom