Parashat Terumah

By Rabbi Shlomo Zargari

״ועשו לי מקדש ושכנתי בתוכם״
(Shemot 25,8)

In his introduction to Sefer Shemot, the Ramban reveals an amazingly deep thought.
The Exodus as we know it – the fact that the Israelite nation came out of Egypt – didn’t free the nation and they weren’t saved! What’s the difference between people subjugated to Paroh and people subjugated to their evil inclination and their desires??
However, when they came to Mount Sinai, built the Mishkan and were fortunate to have the Shechina amongst them – now they are elevated to a higher level worthy of being called free.
Now they have divine guidance for their lives as individuals and a nation.
Independence is not freedom, true freedom is when we take control of our desires and character which will lead us to higher spiritual values and lives.

Shabbat Shalom