Parashat Pekudei

By Rabbi Shlomo Zargari:

Shalom, We are in the last parasha of Sefer Shemot, and the Torah is teaching us how they implemented the teachings of Moshe Rabenu in building the Mishkan. We can’t even fathom the deep secrets of the Mishkan and it’s vessels. Our sages alluded to it in Berachot 55A that Besalel בצלאל , who was in charge of making the Mishkan, knew the deep secrets of creation, and drawing upon that knowledge he was able to perform his task. It’s no wonder that on every step of the way, the Torah writes: ״כאשר צוה ה׳ את משה״

Meaning, it was all done in tune with the intention of the master of all prophets and this was written more than 15 times!!! In the parasha… And yet we see, not Moshe and not Besalel built the Mishkan.

״ויעשו בני ישראל ככל אשר צוה ה׳ את משה״

Children of Yisrael did as HaShem commanded to Moshe …

The Torah doesn’t mention that they all knew the deep secrets required for this task. This teaches us that once they followed the instructions scrupulously, perfectly and completely, lying within this act all the deep intentions that Moshe Rabenu had with the instructions of the Master of the Universe! This is true with every misva; when one puts on his kosher tefillin properly, he has influenced in all the levels of heaven all the needed intentions and secrets that are hidden beneath the surface of the misva. The commentaries (פני יהושע ברכות לב:) write: one who performs the misva properly and according to the halachot will receive the reward for it as if he has the deepest intentions to the highest level!!! And that’s the meaning of the prayer that Moshe Rabenu said at the end of the making of the Mishkan: “MAY IT BE THAT HASHEM WILL PLACE HIS PRESENCE ONTO YOUR HANDIWORK.” We perform the misvot correctly and Hashem will place the Shechina onto them!!! Amen and Shabbat Shalom