Parashat Vaetchanan

By Rabbi David Cohen:

The Chasam Sofer writes that the reason we read the Aseret HaDibrot in Parshas Vaetchanan is because we just went through Tisha b’Av, and during Tisha b’Av it is forbidden to learn Torah. Since we made a hefsek in our learning, we need to make a brand new kabbalah, acceptance of the Torah. What level of a kabalah are we talking about? Mamish the Aseret HaDibrot!

Why aren’t we allowed to learn Torah on Tisha b’Av? Torah gives us the ultimate Simcha and Shelemot; feelings we refrain from on Tisha b’Av. Rav Avigdor Miller says one of the reasons we withold eating on a Ta’anit is because we are supposed to appreciate what food does for us. Perhaps we can apply this concept to learning Torah. By not learning like we do throughout the year, may we come out of Tisha b’Av with more of an appreciation of our Torah and be Mekabel it properly.

Shabbat Shalom.