Parashat Bo

By Avraham Sani:

As Bnei Yisrael began their redemption from Mitzrayim we find that Moshe was chosen to be the leader to guide them. We see he is the one directly communicating with Hashem and then approaching Paraoh afterwards to plea on their behalf. He is also the one to perform the Ten Plagues and subsequently the one Paraoh runs to and desperately urges Klal Yisrael to leave from Egypt. Why was Moshe indeed chosen to be the leader? What special trait did he have that made him distinctly qualified for this position?

The Midrash explains that Moshe was selected exclusively because of his delicate treatment with sheep. As a shepherd for his father in law, he excelled in his unique sensitivity to their needs. The Midrash relates how one time a small sheep ran loose from the herd, and Moshe went to return it. After following the sheep, he saw it reach a body of water and then drank to quench its thirst. Moshe thought this sheep ran so much to drink and had probably tired itself, so he carried it back to spare it from any further suffering. Hashem proclaimed ״because of your mercy and sensitivity for even sheep , I will make you the shepherd for my nation. ״

What’s amazing is that this small episode is deemed worthy of making him the leader. Despite the Torah already mentioning his positive qualities,such as in the story of the two men fighting and also when he sparred the daughters of Yitro from fellow shepherds, nevertheless only because of this additional story was he deemed worthy. Why?

R’ Chaim Freelander explains that Moshe did indeed perform big courageous actions prior to this episode. However, a person’s true greatness is decided by his treatment and attitude towards the little mundane things in life. Many times when big accomplishments are done it is due to outside influences. The small acts that are away from the public eye truly reveal the greatness and stature of the individual. For this reason Moshe needed to prove his commitment even to the simple sheep.