Parashat Pekudei

By Rabbi Shlomo Zargari


In this last Parasha of Sefer Shemot, after all the work of the Mishkan was done, we look back and see one Pasuk keeps coming up:
כאשר ציוה ה׳ את משה

As HaShem commanded Moshe.
We can’t fathom the secrets of the Mishkan and its vessels. חז״ל alluded to them in Talmud Berachot 55a , Betzalel , the person who was in charge of building the Mishkan, knew to unify the letters through which the world was created… shows how extremely deep this concept is. That explains why everything had to be “As HaShem commanded Moshe”, meaning based on the intentions and kavanot of the master of prophets, and this verse is repeated so many times.

Yet Moshe didn’t build the Mishkan and neither did Betzalel :
ויעשו בני ישראל ככל אשר צוה ה׳ את משה כן עשו״
“ The children of Yisrael did like all that HaShem commanded Moshe , so they did”.
By the nation as a whole, we don’t find that they knew all the secrets and deep intentions needed for such lofty task. This teaches us that when they followed the instructions given to them, and they took care not to input their own ideas, but very carefully and perfectly performed the commands, all the kavanot and deep thoughts of Moshe Rabenu given to him by the creator for this task would automatically be imbedded in their actions.

This is true by all the Misvot, when a person puts on his tefilin and makes sure it’s kosher and learns the halachot and follows them, he is creating a rippling effect which connects to the kavanot of the AR’I Z’L and the Zohar Hakadosh to the highest level, all this is imbedded to an action done properly.
When a lady has proper modesty, according to the letter of Halacha, she is connected to the highest levels of realms in heaven.

The .פני יהושע ברכות לב a foremost commentator on the Talmud (1680-1756) writes, when a person performs a Misva according to Halacha, he will be rewarded as if he had all the kavanot in the 50 gates of wisdom to the highest level!!!

That’s the intention of the beracha and tefila of Moshe Rabenu at the finish of the work of the building the Mishkan:
יהי רצון שתשרה שכינה במעשה “

That the shichina should rest upon your actions, we perform the Misvot properly and the creator places His shechina upon them.