Parashat Shemini

Parasha Thoughts

by Rabbi Shlomo Zargari


The Holy Gaon Rabenu Yosef Chaim from Baghdad tells us a story about two Italian Jewish business partners who traveled on a business trip with their merchandise. On the way, a horrible storm cracked and drowned the ship to the depths of the sea. The two men tried very hard to stay afloat in the terrible storm and held onto a beam for their dear lives. They grabbed onto it for they knew their lives depended on it. After many hours, they reached dry land where they fell unconscious.

The local fishermen found them, awakened them and started questioning them. To their horror, the business partners discovered that the fishermen were Spanish. They understood they were on Spanish soil, where the law of the land was to burn at stake any Jew who stepped foot there. Realizing they had to hide their identity, all they revealed to the fishermen was that they were Italian merchants who were traveling and along the way their ship drowned in a storm. The fishermen gave them water, brought them to their village and divided them among two families.

One found himself with a very warm and caring family. They served him stew, and a jug of wine. They also offered him a bed. He was extremely hungry but the stew was not Kosher! He apologized and excused himself to bed. He awoke the next morning, and again was offered hot soup. This time, the man was even hungrier but he stopped himself thinking, “I will not contaminate myself with forbidden food!”

The fisherman saw, and guessed. He asked “Jewish?” The man was shaken. Woe is to him, his life will be endangered but it would be forbidden to deny the truth. The fisherman recognized his dilemma and said “do not be afraid, we too are Jewish, we are Marranos.’ When the fisherman felt that the businessman was still doubtful, he disappeared to a hiding place and came back with a pair of Tefillin! He told him about how they keep Shabbat and that they are careful with kashrut! Right away the businessman got up and put on Tefillin. He ate and answered all their questions regarding Jewish laws. He knew now why he was sent here and why the ship sunk!

When the businessman regained his strength, he asked his host if he could help him go back home together with his friend, and he would repay him when he arrived home. It was arranged and soon they were on the way. As they traveled the friend sighed: “Pity for all the time that I was forced to eat non-kosher food and I did not wear Tefillin.”The other friend told him “HaShem guided me to a home of Marranos, where I ate kosher and I put on tefillin and I taught them Jewish laws.” The friend fell silent and started thinking. When the friend reached the city, he went to his Rabbi and told him that he wanted to understand this situation; why did he experience discrimination? He was forced to eat non-kosher and his friend was saved from it. The Rabbi told him, “Tell me the truth. Was this the first time you ate non-kosher food and the first time in your life that you didn’t wear Tefillin?”

The man was confused and admitted, ”One summer day I was vacationing outside of the city; it was extremely hot and I was dizzy. I found an inn and I asked for a drink. They poured me cold wine and I forgot the prohibition of drinking non-kosher wine and drank it. The wine had its effect, and I was served a non-kosher stew and I ate it. They offered me a bed and I slept the whole night and day, no Tefilla and no Tefillin.

The Rabbi said, “Judgments of HaShem are the truth and together they will be justice” (Tehillim 19). If you weren’t careful one time, then you would not deserve to be saved through a miracle. Your friend however, who was careful with all his strength, they guarded him from heaven when he couldn’t guard himself. Like it says in the passuk, “The feet of the pious ones HaShem will guard.(Shemuel 1 ,2)”

There’s much to be learned from this story.

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