Parashat Vayeshev

Parasha Thoughts

By Rabbi Avraham Moeinzadeh

The Sages teach us that the last conversation between Yaakov Avinu and Yosef Hatsadik was a Halachic discussion about the importance of escorting the passenger. As a matter of fact, we see that the impact of this lesson in Yosef’s life was so enormous that even after twenty two years, he only picks this lesson as a verification sign of himself to his father. Yaakov verifies his existence. But what is so important about the escorting of a passenger that Yosef cherished it more than any other lesson from his father?

Mefarshim teach us that when one escorts another, he is really giving him a subconscious message of importance and value. Someone who feels important to others won’t easily give up or sell his values short. He never detaches himself from those who he feels have confidence in him. Perhaps the few extra minutes that Yaakov Avinu spent escorting his son were the primary cause of him staying with his family values, despite all the hard feelings he might have had from his fate.

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