Parasha Blog

432 posts


Parashat Behar

By Rabbi David Cohen The land will give its fruit and you will eat your fill… if you will say: “What will we eat in the seventh year?” I will ordain my blessing. (25:19, 20, 21) Sforno distinguishes between the baal bitachon, one who trusts in Hashem, who does not […]



By Rabbi Yosef Shemtov ​​We see a big tragedy at the end of this week’s Torah portion when Benei Israel were camping in the desert. The pasuk says there was a certain person whose mother was Jewish but his father was Egyptian and (G-d forbid) he cursed HaShem. The pasuk […]

Parashat Kedoshim

In this week’s parsha, the Torah commands us to love our fellow Jew like ourselves. The Shaar Hakavannot says that one should accept upon themselves to love their fellow Jew specifically before praying. Why is this so important? Every Jew has a different need which he emphasizes in his prayer. […]


Parashat Acharei Mot

By Rabbi Shlomo Zargari: Shalom, We are in the midst of the days of Sefirat Haomer. If we pay attention we can see that these days create one unit of time which begins with Pesah and ends with Shavuot. This shows a very meaningful connection between the two. Pesah is […]


Shevii Shel Pesach

By Rabbi David Cohen: Yisrael saw the great hand that Hashem had inflicted upon Egypt; and the people revered Hashem and they had faith in Hashem. (14:31) Horav Nissen Alpert, zl, distinguishes between the yad, hand, of Hashem, to which (the Torah states) Klal Yisrael had not been privy, and […]