Parasha Blog

432 posts

Parashat Va’eira

Parasha Thoughts By Rabbi Michael Segankohanim In this week’s portion we read (7:26) Moshe and Aharon, Aharon and Moshe. Our Rabbis explain that this expression is coming to inform us that Moshe and Aharon were equally great; one was not greater than the other. R’ Moshe Feinstein finds this teaching […]

Parashat Shemot

Parasha Thoughts By Rabbi Shlomo Zargari Shalom, Before Moshe was born, the stargazers of Pharoh warned him that the savior of the Children of Yisrael would be born. Moshe’s sister Miryam saw through prophecy that he was destined to save his people and bring them freedom. The Talmud (Sota 12.) […]

Parashat Vayechi

Parasha Thoughts By Rabbi Yitzchak Ariel Parshat Vayechi marks the end of Sefer Bereshit and the end of the life of Yaakov Avinu. The Gemara (Sotah 13a) explains that as the brothers were trying to bury their father Yaakov in Mearat Hamachpela, Esav was attempting to stop them. The brothers […]

Parashat Vayigash

Parasha Thoughts By Rabbi David Cohen And when it comes to pass that Pharaoh calls you, he will ask, ‘What is your occupation?’ Bereshit 46:33 Yosef ’s family arrives in Egypt. And Yosef knows that he will eventually have to introduce them to Pharaoh. Given the importance of this encounter, […]


Parasha Thoughts By Rabbi Yosef Shemtov Why do we celebrate Chanukah? Many people think the reason is that after Bnei Israel (the Hashmonaim) revolted against the Greek Empire and were able to enter the temple and start the service again, they found one small tahor oil which was enough for […]