Parashat Tzav

Parasha Thoughts





By Rabbi Avraham Moeinzadeh

When one goes through the different Mitzvot of Purim, one can easily realize the unusual emphasis on unity, care and kindness to others. Matanot La’evyonim is the best example of this. Hachamim tell us that there is no need to make sure whether the one who receives the money is really needy or not.

Rabbi Mordechai Zacks has a thought in Parashat Zachor that can shed light on this phenomena. The Torah commands us to remember what Amalek did to us and explains that this is because they struck those weaklings at the” rear” of the Jewish campus. Hachamim say that “the weaklings at the rear of the Jewish campus” refers to the wicked people of the Jewish nation whom the clouds of glory rejected.

Rabbi Zacks points out from the Talmud that the phrase “at rear” is being used in the Torah as an expression of forgetting about something. He therefore explains this commandment as not forgetting about one another, and this way we will not let Amalek attack us again.

Purim is the day of Mechiat Amalek. Wiping out Amalek. The first step to Mechiat Amalek is to care about our fellow Jew regardless of whether he deserves it or not and in this way IY”H we will merit the divine protection upon our nation.

Purim Sameach!

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