
Parasha Thoughts

By Rabbi Yosef Shemtov

Why do we celebrate Chanukah? Many people think the reason is that after Bnei Israel (the Hashmonaim) revolted against the Greek Empire and were able to enter the temple and start the service again, they found one small tahor oil which was enough for only one night of Menorah lighting, but lasted eight nights.

Even though this was a great miracle, it cannot be the reason why we celebrate Chanukah. Bnei Israel witnessed miracles daily in the temple and we do not celebrate these other miracles.

The Rabbis explain that during many of the years the land of Israel was under Greek rule, Jews were forbidden from keeping Shabbat, performing Brit Mila and other mitzvot. The Greeks wanted to destroy Judaism. The reason God allowed these harsh decrees was because Bnei Israel didn’t appreciate the freedom to do mitzvot when they weren’t being persecuted, and they also didn’t perform the mitzvot with passion.

Hashem brought about the miracle of the oil only when the Hashmonaim were ready to sacrifice themselves so that Bnei Israel would be able to do the mitzvot freely. Through the miracle of the oil, Hashem demonstrated his love for the Jewish people and that his Shechina had returned.

Chanukah is the time when God made peace with his nation and told them “I love you.” Chanukah is the reunion of a merciful father with his sons.That’s why we celebrate Chanukah.

On behalf of Yachad Kollel, I wish everyone a happy and meaningful Chanukah.

Rabbi Yosef Shemtov
Executive Director of Yachad Kollel

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