Parashat Ki Tisa

Parasha Thoughts



This week’s parasha says the following statement about Shabbat: “It shall be a sign for all time between Me and the people of Israel ” (Shemot, 31,17). Harav Yisrael Meir Hacohen (the Hafetz Hayim) brings a metaphor to help us understand this “sign.” Every store owner or business owner has a sign or a banner stating its name and type of business. The sign is written with big letters so people will know that the business is up and running and that they should enter. The store owner may occasionally take a break or vacation. The business may be closed for a day, a week, or a month but the sign shows that it’s still here and will continue to function. If the sign is removed, however, it would be an absolute indication that this establishment is no longer; either it has gone out of business or has moved elsewhere.

Shabbat is a sign between us and our Creator. Through Shabbat we we testify that Hashem is the Creator of it all, and it also shows that we are the people with whom Hashem has made the covenant. And if it so happens that one transgresses one command, that would not show that he has forsaken his heritage. He might have taken a ” break” but the sign is still up as long as he is keeping Shabbat.

But if one forsakes Shabbat, it is as if he has removed the sign. He is showing that he has moved and is not connecting with his Neshama! On the other hand, one who carefully takes care of Shabbat will be blessed with connection to Hashem and will have his protection. May the blessings of Shabbat always be with us and follow us with abundance, Amen.

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