Yom Kippur

Parasha Thoughts

By Rabbi Aviad Boukris

We just finished three wonderful days of Rosh Hashana and Shabbat Shuva, 3 days of the vibrant voice of the shofar, beautiful davening and the remorse of Teshuva. It ended with the special Haftara of Shabbat Shuva. We are told that Hashem opens the book of life and we are being judged for the year to come.

However, in a few days we will be standing before Hashem again, davening and fasting all day pleading for forgiveness. The Gemarah in Rosh Hashana teaches us that the book of Benoniyim is still open and we can still change the verdict.

But who are the Benoniyim? The Gemarah reveals to us that even one of the greatest Amoraim was a Beynoni. So what about us? Are we finished with our judgment on Rosh Hashanah?

Rav Yitzchok Hutner, one of the greatest Baalei Mussar, gives us a new approach to the concept of Benoni. We are often taught that a Benoni has half Mitzvot and half Averot. However, Rav Hutner states that it all depends on a person’s ambition in life. If the goal is to do mitzvot, even if he falls many times he is still considered to be a tzaddik. “ SHEVA YIPOL TZADDIK VE KAM.” On the other hand, a Rasha’s true ambition is not to follow Hashem’s ways, even when he does Mitzvot.

Therefore, we are called Benoniyim, because our deep ambition, and desire is not always clear. When a Mitzvah comes our way we do want to fulfill it, however at times when an Avera comes our way we go to do it. This is the reason that during these 10 days we try to get out of our Benoniyut, and to be Machmir on more things, and try harder to do our best.

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