Rosh Hashana

Parasha Thoughts

By Rabbi Yosef Shemtov

Outside Eretz Israel all the holidays are two days long. In Israel the holidays are only celebrated for one day except for Rosh Hashana; it is the only holiday that is two days long even in Israel. The simple reason is Rosh Hashanah is the first day of the month and the Jewish calendar was based on the testimony of two witnesses. Since the witnesses saw the moon the night before, many people wouldn’t know when the first day of the month was. Therefore, they were in doubt and needed to keep two days.

.The Rabbis give a deeper reason for this. The Zohar says the first day of Rosh Hashanah is the day of judgment but the second day is a day of mercy mixed with judgment. In other words, the Chachamim asked Hashem for two days of judgment because we could not survive with judgment alone, rather we needed to have kindness with us after the verdict.

Maybe that’s why the Torah reading on the second day is about how Avraham was ready to slaughter his son Yitzhak even though God had promised him before that Yitzhak would be the next father of Beni Israel. Avraham Avinu was ready to give up what he was entitled to. So on Rosh Hashana by keeping two days we ask Hashem, “Just as with our forefather Avraham, may you also have mercy on us even though we don’t deserve it. Please inscribe us in the Book of Life only because of your kindness, even though we don’t deserve it.”

On behalf of everyone at the Yachad Kollel, I extend to you my wishes for a healthy and happy New Year.

Le Shana Tova

Rabbi Yosef Shemtov
Executive Director

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