Hoshana Rabah

Parasha Thoughts

By Aharon Seleh

This coming motzei Shabbos will be Hoshana Rabah. The Zohar says that the last day of the chag is the final day of judgment. Immediately afterwards Hashem will send out his messengers to carry out that year’s decrees.

The Zohar explains that until the last day of the chag, Hashem waits for those that didn't merit doing a complete teshuva on their sins. They still have a chance to complete their teshuva. But if not, then the year’s decrees are sent out. This is the reason why we have selichot on Hashanah Rabah. This day is the holiest day of the entire chag. It's the climax of the Yomim Nora'im.

Shabbat Shalom