Parashat Tzav – Shabbat Hagadol

Parasha Thoughts

By Rabbi Shlomo Zargari

Shabbat Hagadol Shalom,

We are getting very close to the holy days of פסח !

Rabbi Avraham Abihasira of blessed memory (the son in law of the Baba Sali זצוק״ל) said that there’s a lot to learn from the laws of koshering the utensils (הגעלת כלים) for our life and growth in spirituality. Just as we need to remove the חמץ from the utensils, so too a person should cleanse his soul from all sins by… none other than studying the Torah rigorously.

As is written in the Zohar on Parashat Pinehas and Masechet Berachot 51A, there are ten halachot about the cup of Birkat Hamazon (and we should also try to do it by the cup of Kiddush). One thing is to wash it inside and out. Rabbi Avraham says we must apply that to ourselves. We shouldn’t just say we are proud of being Jewish or other nice slogans, but we should also practice it. Just as the cup could gain sanctity and purity through water, so too the soul can purify itself inside and out through Torah which is compared to water (Masechet Taanit 7A).

The clay vessels can also teach us valuable lessons. The only way to release a clay vessel from impurity is by breaking it. It is the same with a Jewish neshama. If one has sinned, he should break his heart for HaShem’s sake and be ashamed of what he has done and thereby repent…

Especially in these incredibly sensitive times, one should purify and cleanse his soul as much as possible. As Harav Hayim Palagi writes, “A person should do הגעלה with his tears for his sins and HaShem will have mercy on us all very soon (מועד לכל חי ב׳ ו׳).” AMEN