Monthly Archives: October 2020

20 posts


Parashat Lech Lecha

By Rabbi Shlomo Zargari: Shalom, Parashat לך לך takes place when Avraham Avinu enters ארץ ישראל. Soon after, there’s a famine and he is forced to go down to Egypt where HaShem performs miracles for him and he heads back to ארץ ישראל with heavy cattle and much wealth. A […]

Parashat Noach

By Rabbi David Shasho It says in this weeks Parashah “נֺחַ אִישׁ צַדִיק תָּמִים ” “Noach was a righteous man he was perfect in his generations” Rabenu Efraim writes Noach was a Tsadik because he gave Tseddakah. This is why he was saved from the flood. The Pasuk says in Mishlei   ( מַתָּ֣ן […]


Parashat Bereshit

By Rabbi Avraham Moeinzadeh: ואם לא תיטיב לפתח חטאת רובץ “If you don’t do good the sin is lying by the door.” Rabbi Gifter writes in the name of Hagaon MeVilna that the yetzer hara cannot deceive a person unless he finds an emptiness in the heart of that person, […]