Parasha Blog

432 posts


Parashat Noach

By Rabbi Yosef Shemtov: In this week’s Torah portion, parshat Noach, Hashem destroyed the entire world by bringing a flood. Not only human beings perished; all the animals and plants also died. The midrash says even the order of the planets and the sun changed in their orbit because there […]


Parashat Bereshit

By Rabbi David Cohen: In several places in our parshah, Rashi sees discontinuity in the process of Creation. Some things begin, pause, and are continued later. The waters that were created on the first day were congealed and separated by the rakia/firmament on the second. The luminaries, he tells us, […]


By Rabbi Aharon Seleh: On Sukkot, there was a special mitzvah of drawing water and pouring it on the mizbe’ach. This was accompanied with an intense Simcha. So much so, that the Gemara says if one never experienced it, one never saw real Simcha in their life. Harav Yitzhak Yosef […]

Parshat Ha’azinu

By Rabbi David Shasho: The Chofetz Chaim in his work on the Chumash shares with us a novel approach to suffering. He bases his words on the following passage in this week’s parashah. The deeds of the Mighty One are perfect, for all His ways are just (Devarim 32:4). This […]


Yom Kippur

By Rabbi Shlomo Zargari: Shana Tova to all. At the end of our parasha HaShem shows Moshe Rabenu a very bleak picture of what we know as הסתר אסתיר, meaning a time when we have moved away from being connected to HaShem very much and he, in turn, so to […]