Parasha Blog

432 posts

Parashat Vayeshev

Parasha Thoughts By Rabbi Avraham Moeinzadeh Despite it being only a Rabbinical holiday, Chanukah is one of the most well kept holidays amongst all the Jewish people regardless of how religious they are. We celebrate Chanukah, rejoicing and thanking Hashem for the miracles and the redemption that he has done […]

Parashat Vayishlach

Parasha Thoughts By Rabbi Shemuel Akhamzadeh הַצִּילֵנִי נָא מִיַּד אָחִי, מִיַּד עֵשָׂו “Please save me from from my brother from Esav” Sefer Bet Halevi answers the obvious question raised by many on this verse: “What was Yaakov’s intention in using repetitive language to point out the enemy?” The Author points […]

Parashat Vayetzeh

Parasha Thoughts By Rabbi Shlomo Zargari Shalom, In this week’s Parasha, the Torah tells us the account of Yaakov Avinu reaching Haran where he had an encounter with three shepherds. The Shepherds had called it a day and finished working too early and were just hanging about near the well. […]

Parashat Toldot

Parasha Thoughts By Rabbi Yitzchak Ariel The birth of Yaakov and Esav is not merely a birth of two individuals who lived thousands of years ago; it is the emergence of two clashing ideologies that remain in conflict until this very day. Our sages in their great wisdom have taught […]

Parashat Chayei Sara

Parasha Thoughts By Rabbi David Cohen “The matter stemmed from Hashem! We can say to you neither bad nor good.” (24:50) The Rashba asserts that although the statement which affirms that Hashem guides a matrimonial relationship, ordaining two people as mates , originates from Lavan and Besuel , hardly individuals […]