87 posts



By Rabbi Yosef Shemtov The holiday of Pesach has two names. One name is Chag Ha’Pesach, meaning the festival of passing over; the other is Chag Ha’Matzot, meaning the festival of matzah. Chag Ha’Pesach represents the Almighty’s love for Beni Israel. When Hashem was punishing the firstborn sons of the […]


Parashat Tzav – Shabbat Hagadol

Parasha Thoughts By Rabbi Shlomo Zargari Shabbat Hagadol Shalom, We are getting very close to the holy days of פסח ! Rabbi Avraham Abihasira of blessed memory (the son in law of the Baba Sali זצוק״ל) said that there’s a lot to learn from the laws of koshering the utensils […]


Parashat Vayikra

Parasha Thoughts By Rabbi Shemuel Akhamzadeh As we are all staying in our own homes tucked away from society to protect each other from the viral Covid-19, one of the hardest aspects of the situation to deal with for most of us may be the interaction with our own children. […]


Parashat Vayakhel Pekudai

Parasha Thoughts By Rabbi David Cohen And Moshe assembled the entire assembly of Bnei Yisrael. (35:1) Rashi tells us that the word Vayakhel, “and Moshe assembled”, is written in the hifil, causative, to teach us that Moshe Rabbeinu did not gather the people directly. Rather, he caused them to gather […]

Parashat Ki Tisa

Parasha Thoughts By Rabbi Aharon Seleh The Gemara in בבא בתרא brings a story: רב פפא was walking up a ladder and slipped and almost fell to his death. He was frightened; had he died, he would have had the same death as idol worshippers. ×—×™×™ בר רב told him, […]